Ok Wow! I'm very excited today because yesterday I got my first order for one of my pieces! Yay me lol. Its from this lovely lady who works with my S.I.L. I've Finished making it now and SIL will take it to work on Thursday for her. I will post some pics later today. It is the same as one I have already made, just in a different colour way. Here is the design that she wanted. I have also found a much better way of rounding the ends of the bangle so that there are no edges that come into contact with the skin. The one that she ordered has Turquoise wire instead of the purple that you can see in this one, and also it has blue seed beads instead of purple ones. I love it ( well I would!) lol. Here is pic of the colour that she has asked for. I am very happy with the way that it turned out. Next I am going to make some sort of box to put it in. I was thinking of a pillow box but I'm not sure. I will have to scratch my head for a bit longer I think. Again I will post the pics if that when I have them too. Ok well Bye for now. I'm off to get some breakfast!
Kaylie x
Kaylie x
Congratulations to you!!